Analysis of the relationship between light intensity and photosynthetic rate

Photosynthetic rate is a physical quantity of photosynthesis speed, usually expressed in mg of CO2 absorbed per unit time unit leaf area, of which light intensity, temperature, CO2 concentration, moisture is the main factor affecting plant photosynthetic rate, this issue, we will understand the influence of light intensity on photosynthetic rate.


When the light intensity is at point A, the light intensity is 0, and the plant only respirates under dark conditions to release CO2. With the increase of light intensity, the photosynthetic rate also increases correspondingly, when reaching a certain light intensity, the photosynthetic rate of the leaf is equal to the respiration rate, the net photosynthetic rate is 0, the light intensity at this time is called the light compensation point, that is, point B in the figure, at this time the organic matter accumulated by the photosynthesis of the leaf is equal to the organic matter consumed by the leaf respiration, and the leaf does not have any net accumulation. If the minimum light intensity required by the leaves is lower than the light compensation point, the plant will not grow properly. In general, the light compensation point of yang plants is higher than that of yin plants, so more light is needed.

Above the photocompensation point, the photosynthesis of the leaves exceeds the respiration and organic matter can accumulate. Within a certain range, the photosynthetic rate increases with the increase of light intensity, but after exceeding a certain luminous intensity, the photosynthetic rate increases and slows down, when a certain light intensity is reached, the photosynthetic rate no longer increases with the increase of luminous intensity, this phenomenon is called light saturation phenomenon, the light intensity when it reaches the light saturation point, is called the light saturation point, that is, point C in the figure.

In general, the light compensation point and light saturation point of plants are related to plant varieties, leaf thickness, unit leaf area, chlorophyll, etc., so when supplementing greenhouse plants, we must provide a reasonable lighting scheme according to the type of plant, growth habit, etc.

Shenzhen LEDZEAL, as a professional LED plant lighting solution provider, can customize different plant lighting schemes according to vertical farm lighting, indoor micro-landscape lighting, household plant lighting in different scenes and different plant species, so that the spectrum, light quality and light quantity of plant grow lights are more targeted and applicable, promote the efficient and high-quality growth of plants, and achieve the effect of improving quality and increasing yield.

Post time: Oct-31-2022